Money can do almost everything for you, including buying love, but there is one thing it cannot do as a number of billionaires have found out : saving you from ridicule. Recent statements by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who boasted he was going "straight to heaven" for fighting tobacco companies and guns, caused an outcry as the news spread in the media. Michael Bloomberg who
after a career at Salomon Bros
became a billionaire as founder of the news agency Bloomberg LP and its widely used information system, has for many years fought the US Constitution 2d amendment using Bloomberg LP's various publications as a voice for stricter gun legislation.
Talks in the media have it that Mr Bloomberg was sort of joking though. But noone knows for sure. A Republican, Mr Bloomberg was a staunch supporter of George W. Bush and of the war in Iraq "against terrorism". However Mr Bloomberg like many billionaires is a philanthropist and has given millions to various causes. This certainly could help later to get into Heaven.