Deplores the rush to QE as an "unthinking fashion"
William White is the Swiss-based chairman of the OECD's Review Committee, he is also an advisor to Angela Merkel. William White when at the BIS warned about the crises of the 2000's when most economists saw nothing worrying on the horizon
Here 's The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reporting from Davos, Switzerland :
Here 's The Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard reporting from Davos, Switzerland :
Those who argue that the US
and the UK are growing faster than Europe because they carried out QE early are
confusing correlation with causality". The Anglo-Saxon pioneers have yet to pay
the price. "It ain't over until the fat lady sings. There are serious
side-effects building up and we don't know what will happen when they try to
reverse what they have done."
Meanwhile in France long suffering from the Keynesian disease, misconceptions about QE abound , but economist reveals shocking truth : Plan de la BCE : «Les Français n'en verront jamais la couleur, les banques si» .
Meanwhile in France long suffering from the Keynesian disease, misconceptions about QE abound , but economist reveals shocking truth : Plan de la BCE : «Les Français n'en verront jamais la couleur, les banques si» .